My Friends ~ You Guys are the Best!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thirty Days of Gratitude

I promised myself I wouldn't stay up as late tonight as I did last night.  What can I say, I'm a night owl.  LOL

Wanted to pass this bit of information along (before I forget to do so!), as I thought it might be something you would enjoy doing.

Some very nice ladies have put together a book entitled

It is a free download, written very nicely, with prompts and ideas that will enrich your life.

Some of my gal friends and I are doing it together and with their permission, I may post some of their thoughts here on The Prairie Maid.


I'm thinking, we may do this as a family, too!  If I can get them to sit still for the ten or so minutes it takes.

I wanted to do

The Simple Woman's Daybook

tonight, but oh me of very little brain, decided to



(there's always a "but" or an "and" with me)

I want to share this awesome music piece with


(hope I remember how to do this!)


Okay, doing the dishes, doing a little reading and going to bed!

Be blessed my friends!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's Been Along, Long Time

It seems it has taken me forever to get back in the notion of blogging.....more correctly, back in the notion of writing


I really can't explain were my love for sharing our rural farm life disappeared to.....

except to say, sometimes when life gets on overload things like that happen.

But now, I am once again anxious to sit at the computer and ramble through the musings that go on around here.  Besides, I'm tired of making to do lists, that rarely get done.  I much prefer to sit and visit with you!

Our garden did well this year.  The best it has done over the last three years.  It was a wonderful blessing and it kept me busy.

However, as the scripture above mentions ~

God is doing a new thing!

Don't you love new beginnings?!!!

I can't share all that HE is doing, because at the present I am only getting little snatches of the bigger picture....Little snatches that leave me holding my breath excited!

I feel as though I am traveling a new road, with all my old friends, but like the picture....the way is a bit foggy.  HIS adventures don't always lead down a clear path.  So, we are walking by faith, learning a deeper form of trust.

I've let go of some baggage (cares of this world) that I should have let go months, if not years ago.  How can HE lead, if I continue to insist on sitting in the driver's seat?  How can HE get the attention of those we love, if we always come to their rescue?

I hope to share that part of the journey....SOON!  Freedom from worry is such a wonderful thing.  And I know in the end, it will bring good fruit!!!  After all, doesn't the WORD say, "obedience is better than sacrifice"?

Next time I hope to start bringing you up to date on some of the happenings around here, some of our holiday plans, and a look at the local

Wild Life!

So be forewarned!  You'll need a second cup of coffee, for sure!

Until then, you and your families are in my thoughts and prayers! 

I have truly missed each of you!

Hope you are having a great fall!
