My Friends ~ You Guys are the Best!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining ~

Sometimes, it is up to us to look for it.

Happy Sonday, everyone!

Decided I need to post an update….

There was a time in my life, when things happened at a much slower rate.  Sure, we had a crisis now and then, but things would return to “normal” and time would move forward for a month or two before some other earth shaking event happened.  I miss those days!

I went to the doctor as scheduled Friday, a week ago.  Having realized for a few months that something wasn’t right, I thought (even though I’d rather not) going to the doctor was necessary.  In the back of my (naturopathic-like) mind, I was thinking I would get a diagnosis and rather than take the prescribed meds, search out whatever herbs I needed to cure the problem.  It didn’t workout quite that way.

I explained about my back pain, trouble walking, unable to loose any significant weight the last few months…etc.  He took one look at my feet and legs and told me, he was more concerned with me being on the verge of congestive heart failure. 

What a wake up call!

He did say, once we pull the water off, my joint pain should decrease dramatically, giving me more freedom of movement.

In the last 8 days, I’ve lost 11 pounds.  Yes, I’m taking the meds…..for now (as long as I don’t have one of those weird reactions I am prone to have).  I have ankles again!!! 

My next appointment is this coming Friday.    He was a bit amazed that at my age, I was not taking any prescription medicines!  That made me Smile!

Chasey’s (our 10 y/o granddaughter) shingles are beginning to look much better.  Thank you for praying for her.  Right now, she is suffering from sore throat, ear ache and such.  Everybody in this area has been having this “stuff”……the weather is so hot and so dry!  It is hard on humans and hard on our animals.

Silver Lining ~

The pasture at our oldest daughter’s (and family’s) place was struck by lightning last Wednesday……thankfully, three of their children were here with us!!!  The fire came within 25 feet of the house, taking out an electrical pole…..thus “killing” two computers, two televisions, the Wii and other appliances.

God is so good!  When Jenny had a wreck earlier this summer, three of the kids were (again) here safely with us!  So twice, God had arranged for protection for the grands prior to the incident.  AWESOME!

Silver Lining ~

We have some friends who are going to be gone for about six weeks.  Our youngest son is taking care of their animals and their plants, etc.  This means every other day, I have to take son to do his chores at their place and I usually help, by watering and checking on things.  With the temperature above 100 (and not feeling great), this hasn’t been my cup of tea….especially last week when the thermometer read 117 when we were leaving the house.

Some of you know, we have been looking for hay for the animals… and everybody else from Kansas to Texas and east to Georgia!  I called to check on some hay out of Minnesota last week…..the price (hold your heart) $105 a bale!

I’ve been thinking, we will be blessed if we can feed our animals and still buy groceries this winter….not even thinking about the utilities!

Our friends called to see how things were going and if everything was alright at their place.  They told me, there was a man coming to cut and bale their pastures (so I would know he had talked to them) and told us to take….TWENTY round bales for looking after their place!!!

So, again….God arranged a major blessing …(I just had to be welling to get out and do a little)!!

I haven’t been posting as much because with the heat, the kids are staying in out of the
sun more (therefore using the computer, the video game systems and the television) and while I used to write and post a lot after everyone else was asleep….taking these meds has me going to sleep before the rest of the family!

You are in my prayers though!  And I hope you are looking for the silver lining in the clouds that come your way!!!

Prayerfully, I will be back posting more regularly soon!  I miss you!



  1. So glad the doctor found out what was wrong! Prayer and blessings for healing and comfort! Stay cool, it is hot here as well!

  2. Oh Cheryl I'm so glad you found out what your problem is and that the meds are working. My prayers are with you and your family!

    And yes I always look for the silver lining! smile...

    xoxo Gert

  3. I'm so praising God that you did go to the Dr.' goodness girl. God IS good.....sigh...Love ya and thanks for all the testimonies of God's power and glory revealed through these silver linings...

  4. We miss you too! So glad that you listened to that still small voice and sought advice from a doctor! Praying for your healing!

  5. You have been on my heart a lot lately and just wanted to let you know that God is the One that keeps bringing you to my thoughts and prayers.I brought this from my facebook page..
    *Dear God, This is my friend whom I love and this is my prayer for her. Help her live her life to the fullest. Please cause her to excel above her expectations. Help her to shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love. Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs You the most, and let her know when she walks with You, she will always be safe.

  6. (((Angela))) you made me cry. Hugs!


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