Day 4 & 5
Welcome new followers! Please make yourselves at home. I love people!
As I am writing this, it is a little after eight, Monday evening. Since it is this late, I decided to combine today and tomorrow’s post.
Honey-hunk worked on the computer some today before going out to work on my van. He’s replacing the radiator on the van. I’m not sure what all he did to the computer. I offered to call AT&T (our ISP), but he said to wait as he thinks we need to reload some of the drivers first and he’ll do that tomorrow.
All that to say, hopefully by tomorrow evening the computer will be in good shape. The van will still need new tires. I drive it around here – to the grocery, feed store, bank, etc., but I won’t be going on any road trips until we can replace the tires.
Thirty Days of Thanks!
November 1st – 30th
Remember Shawn is beginning the
Thirty Days of Thanks
today. I am so glad Shawn asked us to join her, because participating in something like this always reminds me of how blessed I truly am. So, what are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for and my cherish my relationship with the King of kings, the LORD of lords. It still amazes me, that HE would choose me to be one of HIS own. I am always reminded of
Psalm 8:4 ~
Psalm 8:4 ~
“What is man, that thou art mindful of him?”
Here is a great craft project that can be done in just a few minutes! As you can see, I borrowed it from It’s a Hodgepodge Life….
(with permission).
(with permission).
The center of the pumpkin is a role of toilet paper that you smash just a bit. Then place in the center of a piece of material, bring the edges up and “poke” into the center of the toilet paper role. Add a short piece of tree limb for the stem and to hold the material in place. Add a bow and some leaves. After the holidays, simply unwrap and you still have your toilet paper.
The grand “chickies” and I thought these were so cute and fun.
~ The Journey ~
The grand “chickies” and I thought these were so cute and fun.
~ The Journey ~
I hope everyone is continuing to look at their overall plan for the next 60days. I believe they say it takes 21 days to from a new habit… December 31 we should be able to improve in a number of areas!
I am still working on my lists…..and now writing out some schedules to help me achieve my goals.
In the last 5 days, I have worked on de-cluttering areas of our home, but I still have a long way to go!
For the most part, I have eaten healthier, but I could do better.
I’m trying to drink more water.
Trying to move more, exercise, and study more.
I have asked ABBA to help me in this endeavor and I know HE is. I like for our home to be prepared for the weekend by Friday evening….that is sometimes difficult. I try to prepare a special dinner for Friday, as we are entering the Sabbath, it is a joyous time. Saturday we rest (hahaha, we try to change our pace, enjoy family, study, spend more time in prayer, etc.) SONday we sometimes go to our old church or to church with the grown kids…they do not totally understand the fact we are embracing our Hebrew roots…that’s okay. And we normally have company on Sunday afternoon/evening.
We live in the country and have animals that need attention seven days a week….we milk twice a day, everyday with the exception of about five weeks in the winter. The milk then has to be processed.
So when I prayed about what to do…..I felt the gentle leading of the LORD…to get as much prepared ahead of time as possible. On Friday morning, I wash and prepare enough milk containers to last until Monday morning.
On Friday, I also scrub the bathroom and wash bed linens.
Friday afternoon, I bake for that evening and for the weekend. I try to bake something that will also work/help with breakfast on Saturday morning, such as muffins or some type of quick bread. Saturday is the only day I let the guys eat cereal and occasionally I even let them have pop tarts.
I am trying to explain this system because, before I would make list…starting with Monday…listing what I thought needed to be done. But now, after praying about it, I look to see what I need to have done for the following day. Does that make sense?
When looking at the BIG PICTURE…by the month, I schedule cleaning the fridge a day or two before grocery shopping. Why? Because there is less in the fridge to deal with and so I know what we already have….as I have said before, no one needs a half dozen packages of cream cheese! (Unless they are planning on making cheese logs for gifts.)
So, this is where I am on my journey…
I’ve removed five + (50 lb) feed sacks of trash/clutter since we began.
I’ve started a rag bag for dh (because he is forever needing a rag for something.
I have at least one box of clothes for Goodwill.
I’m working on drinking more water and eating more raw fruit and vegetables.
I’m going to bed a little earlier, getting more rest.
I am making myself take my meds/herbs/vitamins each day.
Working on my list/schedule and seeing what needs to be changed to make things flow more easily. I think if I ever get my days organized, everything will become more manageable. At least that’s my prayer.