My Friends ~ You Guys are the Best!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Due to the Incoming Weather ~

BTW ~ this is not my buffalo and I did not take the picture! This isn't even Larry!

Oklahoma is changing the words to the State Song. It now goes like this:
SNOW…….klahoma Where the cold front's sweepin' down the plain
And the piles of sleet, beneath your feet
Follow right behind the freezing rain!

SNOW…….klahoma Ev'ry night my honey lamb and I
Travel home from work and hope some jerk
Doesn’t wreck our car passing by!

(A friend of mine posted this on Facebook. Thanks, Shelley!)

Stay warm everyone! And think SPRING!



  1. We were just ordered to go home from work. I think a good book is calling me too. Lighting may be a problem..I need to make sure I'm stocked up on candles and batteries! Hope you stay safe and warm and those tree limbs avoid your house!

  2. warm thoughts warm thoughts warm....dang it
    blazing hot thoughts blazing hot wishes
    lol too cold here in central texas for my likes too. burrow in and keep warm

  3. LOL LOVES it!!!! well you know what i mean! LOL

    hey you are one of the seehere storybook winners YAY!!!! reply to this comment via email so I can send you your code
    stay warm!

  4. Your song about OKLAHOMA is very funny. I have never been able to spell OKLAHOMA without singing it in my head!



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