My Friends ~ You Guys are the Best!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Thoughts From A to Z


I am attempting to line up 26 Bible Verses.....with a little poetic leeway. 
And mention one thing that has to do with summer that I love.
~ C ~
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right."
 Ephesians 6:1

(Wonder why I taught them that one?!)

Summer means children at Papaw's & Mamaw's!
We have eleven grandchildren, so this Mamaw really 
appreciates the pool (it wears them out)! *smile*
(Unfortunately, it also makes them hungry!)

Corn of the cob....yum!  This is Mac (Michaela), my
#1 helper when she's here.
(In this picture, she looks really serious!  Normally, she is laughing.) 

 Some of the other children kids enjoying a summer snack of corn shucks.

Tomorrow ~ sometime, I am going to try and do a post I've been thinking about for sometime.  It will fit right in, as it starts with the letter.  ~D ~  

May God fill you with perfect peace, joy, and contentment!



  1. Oh! Grand"C" precious... they are God's gift to us greandparents aren't they?? Pray you continue to enjoy your summer...

    xoxo Gert

  2. Eleven, wow, what a blessing they must be! Have a wonderful day!

  3. When I was a kid, after swimming we ran into the house because we were famished. I remember there always being bananas on the table. I suppose bananas were cheap, but boy they satisfied us! :-) Looks like a wonderful summer ahead. Blessings!♥

  4. HI Cheryl,

    I"m really liking this series matching letters and Scripture :) :) So sweet :) :)11 are truly blessed :) :) Do you ever have them all over to visit at the same time? Yes, it's a good thing you have a pool :) :)Have a blessed Sunday and a Happy 4th of July Sunday :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  5. what lovely *C*hildren they are. Truly blessings from God, and truly blessed to have a Godly Mamaw.....I hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday together......I am wanting a pool (or a hot tub) so badly (is it wrong to pray for that?!) I think the water would be a great place to do my therapy for my back.....I am trying to convince my husband of that fact, but unfortunately all he sees are the dollar signs.....I will just take it to the Lord, He knows what is best!! Happy 4th my sweet friend.

  6. That precious baby sleeping in her float is beyond adorable! :)


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