My Friends ~ You Guys are the Best!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

~ My Gratitude List ~

~ My Gratitude List ~ 
 (I'm just starting on my 1000 or so things I am thankful for.  You are welcome to join me!
 This is my second set of 25 ~ but the #'s wouldn't allow me to start from 26.)

Be sure and visit A Holy Experience.
You'll be blessed!

  1. hibiscus….any color, but especially RED ;)
  2.  the smell of fresh baked bread
  3.  having little hands to help make that bread
  4.  sitting under the stars with my honey
  5.  knowing Abraham and Sarah would have looked at these same stars…Amazing!
  6.  fun on a tire swing
  7.  visiting with a neighbor
  8.  wildflower bouquets
  9.  G.R.A.C.E.!
  10.  home, be it ever so humble
  11.  laughter
  12.  fresh eggs from the chicken pen
  13.  books…and more books!
  14.  F.A.M.I.L.Y. ….mine, yours
  15.  My Heavenly Father, who I can cry ABBA to and know HE hears
  16.  My fellow Prayer Warriors
  17.  Blogging buddies
  18.  My Sister, who is always generous and gracious (and makes lovely quilts)
  19.  Sunsets
  20.  Clear nights…a full moon
  21.  Holding hands
  22.  Being able to see the “potential” in the midst of the problem…A gift, to be sure!
  23.  Father, I am so thankful for answered prayer
  24. the opportunity to serve
  25. fresh squeezed cold


  1. Thanks for following me. Since you mentioned you would be stopping by my shop, I wanted to be sure you watched the demonstration videos for they will give you a better understanding of how the flexi's work and how to determine which size is best. If you have any questions, please ask : )

  2. Beautiful list, Cheryl! One of these days I'm going to pull it together and do this myself!

    I sent you a personal e-mail to the candles address. Love ya!

  3. Your list is soooo....good. I'm picking off my favorites~2, 9, 11 13, 14, 15, 17,21, 22, 23. Oh, I think they're all grand!


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