My Friends ~ You Guys are the Best!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hey, Monday, Comeback .....I'm not through yet!

Don't you just hate it when you get sidetracked? I started this last night (Sunday), worked on it this morning (Monday), and now I finally have enough time to post it - check the links, etc., only it will be Tuesday in another thirty minutes! Where did my day go? I'm not ready for it to be Tuesday, I'm not through with Monday yet!

I am contemplating changing things up a bit. I hope in doing so, I won’t upset anyone.

I was going to begin a “fast” today; however dd#1 and her family came down this afternoon to bring a surprise and I cooked dinner for extras. I am not sure if I find it difficult to fast when I know company is coming or if it is a great excuse to wait one more day.

With that in mind, Tuesday I will begin a fast and a master cleanse for three days. Then the next three days I will be doing a candida cleanse. I have been working on different areas of my body since the beginning of the year, but haven’t written about it until now. I hope writing about my journey will serve to keep me more focused and possibly posting will encourage someone else. For that reason I have decided to add an update each day. I’ll try to keep it short and not too boring. And I will title it My Health Walk. That way you will be able to skip that part, if you are not interested,

Next, the Passover/Resurrection season is nearly upon us. I will be writing something about the meaning and the connection of the two occasionally. After Passover, I am planning on Counting the Omer (or Sefirat HaOmer). I will explain this is greater detail as the time draws near. If you are not familiar with Counting the Omer, basically it is the counting (with special attention given to study) the 50 days between Passover and Shavuot (or Pentecost). This year the dates are March 30 to May 18. I am not definite on this year’s topic, although something that was said on another blog did spark my interest. Perhaps the meaning of Honor and Women of the Bible. I will title this part of my posts The Promise. There again, hoping to allow you the option of whether you want to follow along or not.

I would like to eventually divide this blog into pages, but it will have to wait until I feel *smart enough*.~ Someday. ~ That would allow me to be more organized and it will allow better access for you, my friends.

If you are following me and I haven’t returned the favor, please leave me a reminder!

(TADA) Thanks to Dianna at Bits and Pieces, I rec’d my very first award! Along with the award I have the opportunity to pass it on to ten terrific bloggers! And selecting (just) ten, was difficult! Here are my first five bloggers to receive the Sunshine Award! I am still working on the second half!;-)

Raymonde at Every Day I Walk With You.

Dawn at Mamaz Place

Mzz Terry at Mzz Terry's World

Katie at Dishin' and Dishes

Jennifer at The Cotton Wife

Raymonde, who lives across the pond (I always wanted to say that), is hosting a wonderful giveaway! Not one giveaway, but three! Yes, there will be three winners!

Be sure and visit Raymonde's Blog. Visiting with Raymonde will bless you.

Izzy is also hosting a giveaway. She is giving away a lovely piece of jewelry made from Eye of the Tiger. Please be sure and visit her blog and while you are there read her post titled, Kathleen - The Story. It is the touching story of being reunited with her birth mother.

If you haven't met Raymonde and Izzy, you are in for a real treat!



  1. Good morning Cheryl,

    I am just looking down over the comments that people left yesterday. I always enjoy hearing how people respond to the things I post about.

    I wanted to respond to your question about #55 and my dream of helping women all over the world to be able to receive a decent price for their work that they might help their families. Thanks so much for inquiring.

    So---here goes.

    Our daughter and son-in-law spent 12 years as missionaries in Mexico City. I was able to visit them there in 1998 (with my hubby and son) and then in 2003 by myself. The first trip our time was rather limited, so we did more of the "tourist" things there close in Mexico City. But when I went back by myself I was there for a longer period of time and we had opportunity to visit some of the more remote places. There was one village in particular that made such an impression on my heart, Cheryl. There were "streets" and there were "shops" and little eating places, but there were also places where some of the Mayan Indian women would come down from the mountains close by to sell their beautiful weavings, bead work ...any thing they could make with their hands. I witnessed Americans trying to haggle them for a lower price...and my heart nearly broke and I have to say almost made me ashamed I was an American. "Haggling" is a common practice there in the large markets...especially in the City itself. In fact, those vendors are offended if you won't haggle. But to see these dear women (whom it was obvious had so little) have people wanting to pay less than their already terribly low price they were asking just left an impression on my heart that I've never been able to shake. When I bought from them, I gave them what they were asking and I'd always try to choose an item that I knew no one else would want. It was as if God literally stamped that impression on my heart for a purpose. And that is where my dream began.

    The thing is, Cheryl, that there are women all over the world (especially in any of the third world countries) that are under the same kind of circumstances.

    At this point I know that my part is to pray for these women and for the Father to raise up people who would supply funds, people who would be willing to work as "agents" (without thought of gain for themselves) to bring these goods into the States and sell them for a price that is FAIR to these women, so that the women in turn can buy enough food for their families that their children could be healthy, and attend school. Many women in these countries are the ones responsible for supporting the family because in many cases the father is no longer with them. I intend to share this as a post...complete with some the near future. First I need to finish what I've already started. lol

    There you have it, my friend. Sorry for taking up so much comment space...but it is something that I can't put into a "few" words.

    May you have a blessed day today.

    I enjoyed today's post and will be interested in seeing all of these different things you are going to share with us shortly.

    Hugs to you for asking,

  2. Cheryl, you are such a blessing, thank you for my award I am going to post it in my side bar right away and will have to blog about it in the near future.
    Thank you also for the mention of the great give-away.
    I am looking forward to your post about Counting the Omer.
    Keep up the good work. Have a good day.

    PS: I also enjoy saying I have friends from "accross the pond", sounds good does it not? xxx

  3. Good Morning sweet Cheryl! Just wanted to pop in and tell you again how much I appreciate you and your sweet spirit! Life keeps trying to knock me down here lately but then I see an encouraging word or prayer from you and I find myself smiling again! It means more than you can possibly know!

    Looking forward to your health posts. Especially since Candida is one of my struggles. (Not that it's another area I wanted to have in common but there ya go!)

    Never heard of *counting the omer.* Sounds interesting. I'll be looking forward to it!

    When I was 12 my dad was sent *across the pond* with KFC and they moved our whole family there for several months. I loved it! Still have a soft spot in my heart for Brittain and it's people. Would love to go back some day!


  4. So help me, I will have a Passover Seder this year. Even if it's just me. I think it's important for the kids to learn the bigger picture of where our faith connects to other faiths.

  5. Gosh Cheryl! Thanks, you are such a blessing to all of us! I am honored to receive and award! You are the one who truly receives an award for your own special caring self! Is your fast dedicated to something or purely for health reasons? I have become interested in fasts and plan to add that to my reading this year. You are going to have to clue me on on what to do with the award..i'm a newbie on that? And if you need help on pages...I'll help you! It took me awhile to figure those out! Blessings my dear sis in Christ!


  6. Cheryl I can not wait to read more about your health journey and the promise! You are truly an amazing lady!

  7. Wow, that's quite a fast. I hope it's going well!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! It is always a joy to hear from you.