My Friends ~ You Guys are the Best!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Want to Make New Friends?

The Girl Creative

The directions are so simple! (Even I should be able to handle this.) Take a moment and see for yourself!

The Girl Creative

BTW - I found the daffodils blooming this morning while I was on the way to the feed store. They are just beginning to bloom and they are a welcome sight! I loved seeing them. Hope to take a few pictures this weekend.....i

Another of Wade's Wisdom! ~ Whatever doesn't kill me makes me all like, "Whoa! That was close!"



  1. Left you a note on my blog today entitled, "Oopsie I made a mistake!" I hope you get a lot of new visitors today as a result of my mistake yesterday! :)

  2. Hi Cheryl!
    Just stopping by to say hi via Katie's blog.


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